
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

JumpStart Exchange in Akron 

Save the date! JumpStart, Inc. is hosting an entrepreneurial networking event on Thursday, April 29, 2004, at Jillian's Akron. The event starts at 5:30 pm.

The JumpStart Exchange will give entrepreneurs the opportunity to expose their businesses to Corporate leaders and other entrepreneurs.

I'm excited about it because you'll get a chance to "speed network." Speed networking is where you meet quickly for just a few minutes each with a succession of other businesspeople. You can meet with up to 15 people in the space of 45 minutes. It's great if you want to network quickly and efficiently.

And you will still have time left over for traditional networking.

You'll also get a chance to hear from JumpStart CEO Ray Leach and others about what JumpStart has to offer entrepreneurs in the way of funding, business support programs, etc.

UPDATE March 29: Click here for event details.

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